Poke Design
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Pose 相机 - 1000+ 拍照姿势
Pose 相机 - 1000+ 拍照姿势5.0
你是否偶尔在拍照的时候不知道摆什么 Pose? 你是否看到一张 Pose 很好的照片会保存下来等下次自己拍照的时候也学着摆,但是拍的时候却找不到? 你知道一张椅子,一个帽子能拍出多少张不同的 Pose 的照片吗? 你知道一对情侣可以拍出多少有爱的照片吗? 现在向你介绍教你摆 Pose 的拍照应用 Pose,Pose 将常用拍照 Pose 集合在应用内,在拍照的时候可以根据场景,根据周围物品,根据类型进行搜索,然后照着样片直接拍照,简简单单 5 秒就可以得到一张美美的照片哦! # 1000+,150+,100+ Pose 包含 1000+ 常用的拍照 Pose,包含了150+常见的场景,例如
Preview -Interactive Prototype
Preview -Interactive Prototype5.0
Here is the Poke high-fidelity interactive prototype mobile preview tool, the production side is also online, iPad side and computer side, search Poke prototype to download! ** Native Preview Prototype ** Preview prototypes made on iPad and Mac as native components, allowing you to view all interac
Link - Connect Related Things
Link - Connect Related Things5.0
# Link is NOT a Note Taking App In many note-taking Apps, we have detailed records of various aspects of the content, which are scattered knowledge points, but in fact there is a certain relationship between the content, such as the registration process to recommend the attention of the content, so
做个应用 — SwiftUI 0 基础开发应用
做个应用 — SwiftUI 0 基础开发应用5.0
「做个应用」是一款教你从 0 开始学习 Apple 全平台开发语言的应用,共计 30+ 模块,200+ 个章节,从基础数据结构知识,到设计模式,到各个类似的组件的使用,包含了开发 Apple 应用的每一个环节,跟着整体的课程轻松学会 SwiftUI,每个人都可以开发 Apple 应用。 ## 关于 SwiftUI SwiftUI 是苹果最近几年新推出的 Apple 全平台开发技术,一套代码可以运行在 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch 和 Apple TV 上,极大的节省了开发成本,保持了应用的一致性。 SwiftUI 是一种声明式语言,比如一个文字 Text("Hell
Shoots - Screenshot Management
Shoots - Screenshot Management-
Do you have too many app screenshots on your phone, but when you want to find a certain app or screenshot you can't find it? Do you want to find a certain design pattern but there is no place to look for it, so you have to go to a search engine to search for it? Screenshot management is a problem f